John Venderweide

Taking my engineering studies outside the borders of the United States was not an easy choice when I was searching for a graduate program, but it is one that I have never regretted. At first I was unsure about how the details would work: where would I live, would I need a car, how would I open a bank account, and especially, did I need to know the local language.


I found my internship at Michelin to be a very valuable experience. It gave me the opportunity to further my skills as an engineer, but also to learn the cultural differences in an international work environment. I quickly discovered that the engineering translates quite easily, but it was interesting to learn the differences in the engineering education system experienced by my French colleagues.

Christophe GARIBAL

The Double Degree program offered by Georgia Tech & Supelec has undoubtably been a key factor in my path.
For my graduation internship, I decided to do a 6-month internship as an analyst in marketing and technological strategy at FTNA (France Telecom North America) in New York.

Khalil GOUIA

I have done an 8-month internship at TOTAL E&P in the south of France. I participated in a highly challenging research project dealing with hydrocarbon reservoir characterization for an Offshore Indonesian Field. I designed a new prototype for better sub-seismic fault detection. Also, this internship was a great opportunity for me to work closely with several experts in the Geophysical domain. I really enjoyed the work atmosphere as well as the beauty of the French South Western Region.


I joined the double degree program ENSAM / Georgia Tech in 2007. My first internship was in Paris with TOTAL Exploration & Production. I worked on the design of a platform in Nigeria (cost of the project: $3 billion). I was assisting the engineering manager on the design of the production deck. One of the characteristics of working on this kind of project is that engineers have a global view of the subject they are working on. Engineers have to understand and manage all the disciplines which are needed to build a platform (process, mechanical, structural, electrical, etc.).


L’aluminium, dont les besoins mondiaux doivent doubler d’ici 2020, est une des applications principales de ce stage. L’Inde, de par une bonne disponibilité d’énergie électrique, est un lieu où une part importante des nouvelles usines va être construite. Dans ce contexte AREVA T&D va installer une plateforme d’assemblage et d’essais de grands redresseurs en Inde, à proximité des futurs clients potentiels. Mon PJE s’inscrit dans le cadre de ce transfert de technologie.


I am working for the Instrumentation and Controls division of AREVA Nuclear Power. It is quite the opportunity to get to work in a French office in the heart of La Defense, Paris. My French is improving, and I get the chance to be involved in a company that is playing a big role in the energy industry. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this internship is that I am working in a French office in conjunction with a German branch of the company on a contract for Chinese clients. During the course of a normal day I hear French, English, German, and Mandarin!

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