Fall 2025 Calendar 

(updated August 2024 - this is a preliminary calendar and is subject to change) 

August 18 - Dorm Check-in (Monday)

August 19 - Mandatory orientations and GTE building tour. First day of classes (Tuesday)

August 20 - Welcome/Bienvenue Party (Wednesday)

October 27 - 31 - Fall break

November 11 - Bank holiday - no classes (Tuesday)

November 11 - Bank holiday - no classes (Monday)

December 2 - Last day of classes (Tuesday)

December 3 - Reading day (Wednesday)

December 4 and 9 - Partial reading days, 8am - 2:40pm; final exams starting in afternoon.

December 4 - 11 - Final exams - No travel plans can be made for the last weekend prior to the week of final exams, until the Schedule of Final Exams has been received by students. (dates to be confirmed)

December 12 - Dorm check-out and shuttle departures. Please email student-support@georgiatech-metz.fr with any questions on dorm checkouts or shuttle schedules.

UNDERGRADUATES: Do not purchase your plane tickets until advised to do so by Ms.Bass! There are specific arrival dates and times. Instructions on purchasing plane tickets will be posted on Canvas.